Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Design Awareness homework 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Design Awareness homework 2 - Assignment Example Several design elements have been applied in the design of Swiss International Air sign. Against the red colored background are the white name tag â€Å"Swiss† and a Plus sign at the bottom right corner. Strong red color has been used to enhance the readability of the elements of focus which are the name Swiss and the plus sign. Essentially, the designer sought to make the name Swiss dominant for the sake of identification of Swiss airline even at a distant. Maslow’s hierarchy has also been applied in this symbol. According to Maslow, a sign should first satisfy the basic purpose before progressing to other secondary needs. In this case, the main target was to identify the Swiss airline. Therefore, this explains why the â€Å"Swiss† name tag had to come before the plus sign which symbolically identifies, though not explicitly, that it is a plane. In addition, communication model has been applied in this sign. The â€Å"plus† sign is not just a decoration b ut further exemplifies the motto of the airline that their â€Å"sign is a promise†. Also, the plus sign symbolically communicates that it is an aero plane with front end, rear end and two wings. A tool is an object or a collection of objects that are used to perform a given task or rather for a particular vocation. They are normally designed in such a way that they enhance the ease and effectiveness at which the work in context is performed. The object in this case are kitchen cutlery used to peel off the outer coat of fruits such as oranges. Special emphasis has been laid on the handling of the equipment to reduce the efforts and risks involved in peeling off oranges. Unlike the handle of ordinary kitchen knives/equipment, the handles of these tools are threaded to increased firm or tight grip while performing the task at hand. The design element that has been exemplified in the grips of these kitchen cutlery is the shape. For example, at the point of the handle where the thumb and index finger grip

Monday, October 28, 2019

War is a force that gives us meaning Essay Example for Free

War is a force that gives us meaning Essay War, when we confront it truthfully, exposes the darkness within all of us. This darkness shatters the illusions many of us hold not only about the human race but also about ourselves. Few of us confront our own capacity for evil, but this is especially true in wartime. And even those who engage in combat are afterward given cups from the River Lethe to forget. And with each swallow they imbibe the myth of war. For the myth makes war palatable. It gives war a logic and sanctity it does not possess. It saves us from peering into the darkest recesses of our own hearts. And this is why we like it. It is why we clamor for myth. The myth is enjoyable, and the press, as is true in every nation that goes to war, is only too happy to oblige. They dish it up and we ask for more. War as myth begins with blind patriotism, which is always thinly veiled self-glorification. We exalt ourselves, our goodness, our decency, our humanity, and in that self-exaltation we denigrate the other. The flip side of nationalism is racismlook at the jokes we tell about the French. It feels great. War as myth allows us to suspend judgment and personal morality for the contagion of the crowd. War means we do not face death alone. We face it as a group. And death is easier to bear because of this. We jettison all the moral precepts we have about the murder of innocent civilians, including children, and dismiss atrocities of war as the regrettable cost of battle. As I write this article, hundreds of thousands of innocent people, including children and the elderly, are trapped inside the city of Basra in southern Iraqa city I know wellwithout clean drinking water. Many will die. But we seem, because we imbibe the myth of war, unconcerned with the suffering of others. Yet, at the same time, we hold up our own victims. These crowds of silent deadour soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice and our innocents who were killed in the crimes against humanity that took place on 9/11are trotted out to sanctify the cause and our employment of indiscriminate violence. To question the cause is to defile the dead. Our dead counts. Their dead does not. We endow our victims, like our cause, with righteousness. And this righteousness gives us the moral justification to commit murder. It is an old story. In wartime we feel a comradeship that, for many of us, makes us feel that for the first time we belong to the nation and the group. We are fooled into thinking that in wartime social inequalities have been obliterated. We are fooled into feeling that, because of the threat, we care about others and others care about us in new and powerful waves of emotion. We are giddy. We mistake this for friendship. It is not. Comradeship, the kind that comes to us in wartime, is about the suppression of self-awareness, self-possession. All is laid at the feet of the god of war. And the cost of this comradeship, certainly for soldiers, is self-sacrifice, self-annihilation. In wartime we become necrophiliacs. As it happens, Ive just finished reading Mr. Hedges memoir, â€Å"War is a Force that Gives us Meaning†, and its very much of a piece with this, which is to say heartfelt, but overstated, particularly as regards his own country. Mr. Hedges spent fifteen years as a foreign correspondent, covering every war and genocide you can name, and many that few of us can. As just a reminder of these conflicts and of the victims thereof, it is worth reading. However, when he tries to draw broader conclusions he, perhaps understandably, overreacts. The truths that he speaks of above are not the only truths that war exposes, nor are they necessarily the primary truths. Its a truism that war is terrible, but it is just not the case, as even he ultimately must concede, that it is the most terrible thing. It would be dishonest to argue that myth is not an important part of patriotism and the will to war, but consider how much here is not myth. The deads of 9-11 were in fact innocent victims. They went to work one fine morning in September and because of that they were murdered. No amount of scab-picking about past American policy in the Middle East can ever make it so that they deserved to die, can it? Likewise, those who perpetrated that heinous act, al Qaeda, and those who aided them, the Taliban, can not escape moral culpability, no matter what their grievances against the United States. It is an objective truth that at least these victims of ours were innocent and at least those enemies are not. A somewhat better case can be made that the people of Iraq are innocent victims. However, they were victims of Saddam before we liberated themMr. Hedges might wince at the boastfulness of a term like liberation, but there is no reason for us toand their lives are immeasurably better today for our having acted. Who cares more for the people of Basra, those content to stand idly by while Saddam oppressed them or those whove returned their freedom to them? Moreover, far from ignoring the suffering of potential innocents in this war, we took every reasonable (and some perhaps unreasonable) precaution to avoid civilian casualties. If the myths of which Mr. Hedges speaks were wholly true, it would have been simplicity itself to slaughter Iraqis indiscriminately, even to exterminate the population, yet this we did not do. Here is the inescapable problem for Mr. Hedges: give a Hitler, a Stalin, a Milosevic, a bin Laden, a whomever, nuclear weapons and there can be little doubt theyd use them to kill their enemies. Yet we have them and we do not use them (except the twice, sixty years ago). If we had truly become necrophiliacs, as are our foes so often become, why would we not kill to out utmost capacity to do so? The attacks on the World Trade Center illustrate that those who oppose us, rather than coming from another moral universe, have been schooled well in modern warfare. The dramatic explosions, the fireballs, the victims plummeting to their deaths, the collapse of the towers in Manhattan, were straight out of Hollywood. Where else, but from the industrialized world, did the suicide hijackers learn that huge explosions and death above a city skyline are a peculiar and effective form of communication? They have mastered the language. They understand that the use of disproportionate violence against innocents is a way to make a statement. We leave the same calling cards. Corpses in wartime often deliver messages. The death squads in El Salvador dumped three bodies in the parking lot of the Camino Real Hotel in San Salvador, where the journalists were based, and early one morning. Death threats against us were stuffed in the mouths of the bodies. And, on a larger scale, Washington uses murder and corpses to transmit its wrath. We delivered such incendiary messages in Vietnam, Iraq, Serbia, and Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden has learned to speak the language of modern industrial warfare. Organized killing is done best by a disciplined, professional army. But war also empowers those with a predilection for murder. Petty gangsters, reviled in pre-war Sarajevo, were transformed overnight at the start of the conflict into war heroes. What they did was no different. They still pillaged, looted, tortured, raped, and killed; only then they did it to Serbs, and with an ideological veneer. Slobodan Milosevic went one further. He opened up the countrys prisons and armed his criminal class to fight in Bosnia. Once we sign on for wars crusade, once we see ourselves on the side of the angels, once we embrace a theological or ideological belief system that defines itself as the embodiment of goodness and light, it is only a matter of how we will carry out murder. The eruption of conflict instantly reduces the headache and trivia of daily life. The communal march against an enemy generates a warm, unfamiliar bond with our neighbors, our community, and our nation, wiping out unsettling undercurrents of alienation and dislocation. War, in times of malaise and desperation, is a potent distraction. George Orwell in 1984 wrote of the necessity of constant wars against the Other to forge a false unity among the proles: War had been literally continuous, though strictly speaking it had not always been the same war. The enemy of the moment always represented absolute evil. Patriotism, often a thinly veiled form of collective self-worship, celebrates our goodness, our ideals, our mercy and bemoans the perfidiousness of those who hate us. War makes the world understandable, a black and white tableau of them and us. It suspends thought, especially self-critical thought. All bow before the supreme effort. We are one. Most of us willingly accept war as long as we can fold it into a belief system that paints the ensuing suffering as necessary for a higher good, for human beings seek not only happiness but also meaning. And tragically war is sometimes the most powerful way in human society to achieve meaning. This is positively bizarre. One might imagine us to have been at war with the Arab world throughout the 90s, and Osama bin Laden to just be responding to our constant attacks. In fact, the truth, as the analysts tell us is the opposite. It was precisely because America was so reticent to respond to terror in any systematic way, so loathe leaving behind the roaring 90s and go to war, that al Qaeda became emboldened. In Mr. Hedge’s account we woke up one day, found our lives lacked meaning, and marched to war with an Islam we suddenly decided to portray as evil. In reality, we woke one day to find the World Trade Center and Pentagon in flames, decided that our lives had a meaning worth defending after all, and set out not to fight all Islam but those who have distorted it into something hateful. When in human history has a leader gone further out of his waymany would argue too farto limit just who the enemy is, to limit the material destruction and civilian deaths, to get aid to the newly liberated peoples, etc. Whenever else have military bombed countries with food and humanitarian supplies? No, to accept Mr. Hedges implicit argument that there is no difference between us and al Qaeda or between Saddam Hussein and George W. Bush is to abandon even the idea of morality. It is too deny that morality exists. Mr. Hedges himself acknowledges this, if not directly, when he disavows pacifism: The poison that is war does not free us from the ethics of responsibility. There are times when we must take this poisonjust as a person with cancer accepts chemotherapy to live. We cannot succumb to despair. Force is and I suspect always will be part of the human condition. There are times when the force wielded by one immoral faction must be countered by a faction that, while never moral, is perhaps less immoral. This is sheer nonsense. A doctor administers poison to the chemotherapy patienthas he not behaved morally? A bystander or a policeman uses force to stop a rapehave they not acted morally just because they used force, which, as Mr. Hedges says, will always be part of the human condition? One nation intervenes with force to stop genocide or a megalomaniac dictatorin what sense is this not a moral act? He closes the chapter by saying: This is not a call for inaction. It is a call for repentance. So we should not stand by and watch as one people slaughter another, but if we use force to stop it we must repent that use of force? What kind of morality is it that holds you guilty if you act and if you dont? The answer is not a serious one. This is mere self-flagellation and pious posturing. Mr. Hedges provides us with a harrowing glimpse of modern war and a salutary warning about how the enthusiasms of war affect all us, but he goes way too far and lapses into absurdity when he demands that we treat all uses of force as immoral

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Descartes and the Existence of God Essay -- essays papers

Descartes and the Existence of God Once Descartes has realized that he can know with certainty that â€Å"I exist† is true, he continues to build on his foundation of truths. The truth about the nature of God, proof of God’s existence, and the nature of corporeal objects are considered, among others, after Descartes proves his existence. Descartes’ principal task in the Meditations was to devise a system that would bring him to the truth. He wanted to build a foundation from which all further philosophical inquiry could be built. It was essential that his beliefs were sound. If any one of them were at all in doubt, then it put the credibility of the whole structure of knowledge in jeopardy. I will discuss a few of the topics Descartes analyzes after his epiphany of existence. Throughout the essay, I will raise some doubts that I have pertaining to Descartes’ conclusions as well. In his second meditation, when Descartes pushes the method of doubt to its fullest extent, several truths survive; since these cannot be doubted Descartes must know them. The first of these is that â€Å"I exist.† The second truth, when Descartes asks â€Å"what am I?† caught my attention. I found it odd that he tests potential answers by asking whether he can doubt them. The test appears strange because one’s ability to doubt something doesn’t normally show that it is false. If I can doubt that I have the hairiest legs at West Virginia University, does it follow that I do not? It is later when Descartes rephrases his answer, and so his question, in terms of â€Å"what is inseparable from my nature,† that I realized that the question was special. When he proceeds to say â€Å"I am now admitting nothing except what is necessarily true,† I finally saw that the apparent... ...a cause, and since I am imperfect, the idea has to have been originated from a perfect source or God.† In Descartes’ Cosmological Proof of God, I understand that the cause of an idea must have as much formal reality as the objective reality of the idea. I also understand that the idea has infinite objective reality. However, I am not fully convinced that it is impossible for a mortal, finite person to take the idea of a finite being and continually think â€Å"upward,† forming the idea that there is a being that is supreme to themselves. Descartes’ epiphany of â€Å"I exist, I am† was the catalyst for the exploration of the issues he discusses in Meditations. Although I find problems in some instances of his reasoning, I realize that he has provided answers through his Method of Doubt that have endured the ages and allow us to continue to ponder their truth today.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

What would happen if he ate McDonalds for 30 days straight?

Morgan Spurlock wanted to see what would happen if he ate McDonalds for 30 days straight. Every meal, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, he was not allowed to eat or drink anything that was NOT from McDonalds. He has to eat everything on the menu at least once. And, on top of all that, if they asked him to supersize it, he had to do it! His journey has begun.Morgan weighed 185 pounds at the beginning of his journey. His girlfriend is a vegan chef, which is someone who does not eat meat, fish, dairy products, or eggs. She completely disagrees with the choice that Morgan has made, and thinks that he is going to kill himself doing it.The fattest nation in the world, you could guess, is America. The fattest state is Mississippi. The fattest city is Houston, Texas. Texas has 4 of the top 10 fattest cities in the Nation. And in Manhattan alone, there are 83 McDonalds. Every day, more than 46 million people are served worldwide!It is predicted that in the future, obesity will be the leading caus e of death, behind smoking. People who eat McDonalds once a week are called ‘heavy users’. Nutritionists say that never eating McDonalds in your entire life is the healthiest choice you can make.Morgan gained 25 pounds over 30 days of eating McDonalds. At second weigh in, he had gained 18 pounds, which was 203 pounds. At third weigh in, Morgan had actually lost one pound, putting him 202 pounds. At his fourth and final weigh in, Morgan had gained another 8 pounds, putting him at 210 pounds. Over this 30 day period, Morgan had consumed about 30 pounds of sugar.Eating fast food is very unhealthy. It can also be very addicting. These huge fast foods have all the money in the world to pay for advertising to attract a variety of age groups to come and buy their products. Every company does this, they have to advertise in order to stay in business!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Postmodern Theory in Art Essay

Philosophy refers to the search for truth, existence, knowledge and performance through sense and rationale. Philosophy attempts to study the nature of existence, soundness, impartiality, beauty, mind and language. Art on the other hand refers to the process of arranging elements in a creative manner that makes them appealing to the senses and the emotions. Art includes performance which involves the use of language. The artist Paul McCarthy, born in 1945 in Salt Lake City, learned his art skills at the University of Utah in the year 1969. On his further studies at San Francisco art institute, he studied painting and went further to study film, video and art at the University of Southern California. McCarthy majors his work in video and sculpture having taught performance, video, installation and performance art history at the University of California (Bronfen 214). McCarthy in his works institutes color as a central theme in his story of modern and contemporary work. McCarthy’s life and art works are connected to the practice centered on the role of artists within the cultures and the system of art. In his works he proves a bit of a chocker. The use of language and descriptions of all the American culture that he grew up with, he works towards bending and transforming the familiar into the disturbing. The works of McCarthy definitely removes the dark side of the American dream and presents a selection of postmodern works produced between 1966 and 2006. The philosophies of Kierkegaard involved a unifying factor which evolved around three spheres of existence, which is the aesthetic, the ethical and the religious choice in constant tension. According to Kierkegaard the personal aesthetic enjoyment is in the inconsistent search of pleasure which is self-centered. Comparing the artist Paul McCarthy to this philosophy, it is clear that the philosophy involved beauty and pleasure which is mainly egocentric just like the work of McCarthy which involves the provision of pleasurable activities, through performance and beautiful paintings (Robert & Adorno 132). The ethical sphere however is not egocentric but impersonal. It involves a law centered on reasoning as opposed to personal inclination and expediency. Kierkegaard asserts that at this stage, life does not just involve a succession of separate moments of pleasure but is a long range venture which should be structured according to rational principles. The principles according to Kierkegaard’s philosophies do not only include the rules of eventual interest but the conceptual ideologies of morality that describe what an individual should do. Just like Kierkegaard’s ideals, in McCarthy’s attempts to reduce the disadvantages of painting, he resorted to using the body as a canvas. He later involved the use of bodily fluids and foods to act as surrogates in his work. Other than painting the work of McCarthy included transgressive presentation art, psychosexual events which were meant to test the emotions of both the artist and the viewer. McCarthy in his works was known for shocking, sexually charged pieces that feature benign cartoon and pop culture characters reflecting the ideologies of morality which teaches the viewers and the artist on what they should do (Glennie 34). Much of the works of Kierkegaard looks into religious premises like the faith in God, the organization of the Christian church, the Christian ethics and divinity and the emotions and feelings of different people when dealing with the choices of life. Kierkegaard remained the most influential figure in modern philosophy’s consideration just like McCarthy who remained the most influential artist in the postmodern artistry. Kierkegaard believed and insisted on individual rather than collective responsibility before God. In the stage of true religious choice, only a leap of faith that provides a ground for decision is employed, however there are no automatic rational decision procedures. According to the philosophy of Kierkegaard, acknowledgment of the need for religion as a personal dedication to truth is the major component of life. Relating to this principle of Kierkegaard, McCarthy centers his interest within the daily activities of life and the confusion created by such activities. Due to misinformation by people, McCarthy has been taken to be influenced by the Viennese Actionism. Due to his dedication to truth as his life component, McCarthy clarifies that he knew the activities of the group in the 1970s but there exists a big difference between the self deleterious activities of the Viennese and his own performances. This is a reflection that as Kierkegaard’s principle of individual responsibility to God, McCarthy obeys the same principle and would therefore not engage in the injurious activities of the Viennese (Ben 56). The view of Kierkegaard on the free press can be understood on why he hated the press. He was mainly concerned on the public sphere which had been a source of problem for many intellectuals in the middle of the 18th century before the democratization and the expansion of the press. In his view to the free press, Kierkegaard abandoned the use of internet with the claims that it promoted risk free ambiguity and idle curiosity that undermined responsibility and dedication. Kierkegaard’s opposition to the press is said to have had sociological, political and psychological motivations. He however claims that he does not attack the press because of the liberalism or any other political reason. As has been noted earlier, the works of Kierkegaard mainly revolved around religious issues. His view was therefore opposing free press because he believed that the press and especially the daily newspaper were making Christianity and religious matters impossible. Definitely from his political, sociological and psychological qualms, he considered the press as a threat to both cultural and religious practices. Because of these reasons Kierkegaard continued to attack the public and the press up to 1846 in his writings. With the democratization of the public sphere by the daily press, Kierkegaard felt that the public sphere was becoming a new and a dangerous cultural experience whereby the ranking created by the press was to produce something that was very wrong right from the beginning. In the modern society Kierkegaard gives his total view on the relation of the press, public sphere and the ranking taking place in his time. He considers the press mysterious and desituated with no obsession and dedication and combines in this philosophical age to produce the public. The ideals and the philosophies of Kierkegaard strongly affected the theologians and the existential philosophy. Even though Kierkegaard was a very strong defender of religious faith he was an unhappy, neurotic and a terribly suffering man (Ben 356). His belief was that the best way to disclose truth was through dramatic confrontation of conflicting practices to life. In addition to his ideals and philosophical works, Kierkegaard was a thinker and a genius. His philosophy despite having not been presented in a systematic and analytical manner, contain several wealth of sharp intellectual insights. Due to lack of coherent stance, the philosophies of Kierkegaard have remained questionable. Nevertheless according to Kierkegaard, his principles have been mainly on how one can become a Christian. Other than his philosophical work, Kierkegaard had complex poetic work which rewards careful reading. The totals of moral of his philosophy can be put into a single sentence that the existence of human beings needs real passion and thought. Conclusion Art and philosophy may be two different disciplines, but still some principles or morals of an artist and a philosopher may relate in some way. The revealed example is between the artist Paul McCarthy and the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard. The ideals and the philosophies of Soren Kierkegaard match the artist Paul McCarthy for instance, both of them seems to value aesthetics, ethical values and religious choices and issues.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Gothic History and Origins

Gothic History and Origins The term Gothic was used in the Renaissance to describe certain types of art and architecture in the Middle Ages. This art was considered inferior, just as the Romans had held themselves superior to the barbarians. In the 18th century, the term Gothic morphed into a genre of literature that had elements of horror. In the late 20th century it morphed again into a style and subculture characterized by heavy eyeliner and all-black clothing. Originally, the Goths were one of the barbarian horseback riding groups that caused trouble for the Roman Empire. Ancient Source on the Goths The ancient Greeks considered the Goths to be Scythians. The name Scythian was used by the ancient historian, Herodotus (440 B.C.), to describe barbarians who lived on their horses north of the Black Sea and were likely not Goths. When the Goths came to live in the same area, they were considered Scythians because of their barbarian way of living. It is hard to know when the people we call Goths began to intrude on the Roman Empire. According to Michael Kulikowski, in Romes Gothic Wars, the first securely attested Gothic raid took place in 238 A.D. when Goths sacked Histria. In 249 they attacked Marcianople. A year later, under their king Cniva, they sacked several Balkan cities. In 251, Cniva routed Emperor Decius at Abrittus. The raids continued and moved from the Black Sea to the Aegean where the historian Dexippus successfully defended a besieged Athens against them. He later wrote about the Gothic Wars in his Scythica. Although most of Dexippus is lost, the historian Zosimus had access to his historical writing. By the end of the 260s, the Roman Empire was winning against the Goths. Medieval Source on the Goths The story of the Goths generally begins in Scandinavia, as is told by the historian, Jordanes, in his The Origin and Deeds of the Goths, chapter 4: IV (25) Now from this island of Scandza, as from a hive of races or a womb of nations, the Goths are said to have come forth long ago under their king, Berig by name. As soon as they disembarked from their ships and set foot on the land, they straightway gave their name to the place. And even to-day it is said to be called Gothiscandza. (26) Soon they moved from here to the abodes of the Ulmerugi, who then dwelt on the shores of Ocean, where they pitched camp, joined battle with them and drove them from their homes. Then they subdued their neighbors, the Vandals, and thus added to their victories. But when the number of the people increased greatly and Filimer, son of Gadaric, reigned as kingabout the fifth since Berighe decided that the army of the Goths with their families should move from that region. (27) In search of suitable homes and pleasant places they came to the land of Scythia, called Oium in that tongue. Here they were delighted with the great richness of the country, a nd it is said that when half the army had been brought over, the bridge whereby they had crossed the river fell in utter ruin, nor could anyone thereafter pass to or fro. For the place is said to be surrounded by quaking bogs and an encircling abyss, so that by this double obstacle nature has made it inaccessible. And even to-day one may hear in that neighborhood the lowing of cattle and may find traces of men, if we are to believe the stories of travellers, although we must grant that they hear these things from afar. Germans and Goths Kulikowski says the idea that the Goths were associated with the Scandinavians and therefore Germans had great appeal in the 19th century and were supported by the discovery of a linguistic relationship between the languages of the Goths and Germans. The idea that a language relationship implies an ethnic relationship was popular but doesnt bear out in practice. Kulikowski says the only evidence of a Gothic people from before the third century comes from Jordanes, whose word is suspect. Kulikowski on the Problems of Using Jordanes Jordanes wrote in the second half of the sixth century. He based his history on the no longer extant writing of a Roman nobleman named Cassiodorus whose work he had been asked to abridge. Jordanes did not have the history in front of him when he wrote, so how much was his own invention cant be ascertained. Much of Jordanes writing has been rejected as too fanciful, but the Scandinavian origin has been accepted. Kulikowski points to some of the far-fetched passages in Jordanes history to say that Jordanes is unreliable. Where some his reports are corroborated elsewhere, they can be used. Where there is no supporting evidence, we need other reasons for accepting. In the case of the so-called origins of the Goths, any supporting evidence comes from people using Jordanes as a source. Kulikowski also objects to using archaeological evidence as support because artifacts moved around and were traded. In addition, archaeologists have based their attribution of Gothic artifacts to Jordanes. If Kulikowski is right, we dont know where the Goths came from or where they were before their third-century excursions into the Roman Empire.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Overview of Teddy Roosevelts Bull Moose Party Beliefs

Overview of Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party Beliefs The Bull Moose Party was the unofficial name of President Teddy Roosevelts Progressive Party of 1912. The nickname is said to have arisen from a quote by Theodore Roosevelt. When asked whether he was fit to be president, he responded that he was as fit as a bull moose. Origin of the Bull Moose Party Theodore Roosevelts term as president of the United States ran from 1901 to 1909. Roosevelt was originally elected vice president on the same ticket as  William McKinley in 1900, but in September of 1901, McKinley was assassinated and Roosevelt finished out McKinleys term. He then ran and won the presidency in 1904. By 1908, Roosevelt had decided not to run again, and he urged his personal friend and ally William Howard Taft to run in his place. Taft was chosen and then won the presidency for the Republican Party. Roosevelt became unhappy with Taft, primarily because he wasnt following what Roosevelt considered progressive policies. In 1912, Roosevelt put his name forward to become the Republican Partys nominee again, but the Taft machine pressured Roosevelts supporters to vote for Taft or lose their jobs, and the party chose to stick with Taft. This angered Roosevelt who walked out of the convention and then formed his own party, the Progressive Party, in protest. Hiram Johnson of California was chosen as his running mate. The Platform of the Bull Moose Party The Progressive Party was built on the strength of Roosevelts ideas. Roosevelt portrayed himself as an advocate for the average citizen, whom he said should play a larger role in government. His running mate Johnson was a progressive governor of his state, who had a record of successfully implementing social reforms. True to Roosevelts progressive beliefs, the platform of the party called for major reforms including womens suffrage, social welfare assistance for women and children, farm relief, revisions in banking, health insurance in industries, and workers compensation. The party also wanted an easier method to amend the constitution. Many prominent social reformers were drawn to the Progressives, including Jane Addams of Hull House, Survey magazine editor Paul Kellogg, Florence Kelley of Henry Street Settlement, Owen Lovejoy of the National Child Labor Committee, and Margaret Dreier Robins of the National Womens Trade Union. Election of 1912 In 1912, voters chose between Taft, Roosevelt, and  Woodrow Wilson, the Democratic candidate. Roosevelt shared many of the progressive policies of Wilson, yet his core support came from ex-Republicans who defected from the party. Taft was defeated, getting 3.5 million votes compared to Roosevelts 4.1 million. Together Taft and Roosevelt earned a combined 50% of the popular vote to Wilsons 43%. The two former allies split the vote, however, opening the door for Wilsons victory. Midterm Elections of 1914 While the Bull Moose Party lost at the national level in 1912, they were energized by the force of their support. Continuing to be bolstered by Roosevelts Rough Rider persona, the party named candidates on the ballot at several state and local elections. They were convinced that the Republican party would be swept away, leaving U.S. politics to the Progressives and Democrats. However, after the 1912 campaign, Roosevelt went on a geographic and natural history expedition to the Amazon River in Brazil. The expedition, which began in 1913, was a disaster and Roosevelt returned in 1914, sick, lethargic, and frail. Even though he publicly renewed his pledge to fight for his Progressive party to the end, he was no longer a robust figure. Without the energetic support of Roosevelt, the 1914  election results were disappointing for the Bull Moose Party as many voters returned to the Republican Party.   End of the Bull Moose Party By 1916, the Bull Moose Party had changed: A prominent leader, Perkins, was convinced that the best route was to unite with Republicans against the Democrats. While the Republicans were interested in uniting with the Progressives, they were not interested in Roosevelt. In any case, Roosevelt refused the nomination after the Bull Moose party chose him to be its standard-bearer in the presidential election. The party tried next to give the nomination to Charles Evan Hughes, a sitting justice on the Supreme Court. Hughes also refused. The Progressives held their last executive committee meeting in New York on May 24, 1916, two weeks before the Republican National Convention. But they were unable to come up with a reasonable alternative to Roosevelt. Without its Bull Moose leading the way, the party dissolved shortly thereafter. Roosevelt himself died of stomach cancer in 1919. Sources Dalton, Kathleen. Finding Theodore Roosevelt: A Personal and Political Story. The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, vol. 6, no. 4, 2007, pp. 363–83.Davis, Allen F. The Social Workers and the Progressive Party, 1912–1916. The American Historical Review, vol. 69, no. 3, 1964, pp. 671–88.Green, G. N. Republicans, Bull Moose, and Negroes in Florida, 1912. The Florida Historical Quarterly, vol. 43 no. 2, 1964, pp. 153–64.Ickes, Harold L. Who Killed the Progressive Party? The American Historical Review, vol. 46, no. 2, 1941, pp. 306–37.Pavord, Andrew C. The Gamble for Power: Theodore Roosevelts Decision to Run for the Presidency in 1912. Presidential Studies Quarterly, vol. 26, no. 3, 1996, pp. 633–47.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Night of Sorrows

The Night of Sorrows On the night of June 30 - July 1, 1520, the Spanish conquistadors occupying Tenochtitlan decided to escape from the city, as they had been under heavy attack for several days. The Spanish tried to escape under cover of darkness, but they were spotted by locals, who rallied the Mexica warriors to attack. Although some of the Spaniards escaped, including expedition leader Hernan Cortes, many were slain by the angry natives, and many of the golden treasures of Montezuma were lost. The Spanish referred to the escape as La Noche Triste, or the Night of Sorrows.  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹ The Conquest of the Aztecs In 1519, conquistador Hernan Cortes landed near present-day Veracruz with about 600 men and began slowly making his way to the magnificent capital city of the Mexica (Aztec) Empire, Tenochtitlan. On his way into the Mexican heartland, Cortes learned that the Mexica controlled many vassal states, most of which were unhappy about the Mexicas tyrannical rule. Cortes also first defeated, then befriended the warlike Tlaxcalans, who would provide invaluable assistance in his conquest. On November 8, 1519, Cortes and his men entered Tenochtitlan. Before long, they took Emperor Montezuma captive, resulting in a tense stand-off with the remaining native leaders who wanted the Spaniards out. The Battle of Cempoala and the Toxcatl Massacre In early 1520, Cortes had a fairly firm hold on the city. Emperor Montezuma had proved a pliant captive and a combination of terror and indecision paralyzed other native leaders. In May, however, Cortes was forced to assemble as many soldiers as he could and leave Tenochtitlan. Governor Diego Velazquez of Cuba, wishing to reassert control over Cortes expedition, had sent a massive conquistador army under Panfilo de Narvaez to rein in Cortes. The two conquistador armies met at the Battle of Cempoala on May 28 and Cortes emerged victorious, adding Narvaez men to his own. Meanwhile, back in Tenochtitlan, Cortes had left his lieutenant Pedro de Alvarado in charge of about 160 Spanish reserves. Hearing rumors that the Mexica planned to slaughter them at the Festival of Toxcatl, Alvarado decided on a pre-emptive strike. On May 20, he ordered his men to attack the unarmed Aztec nobles assembled at the festival. Heavily armed Spanish conquistadors and their fierce Tlaxcalan allies waded into the unarmed mass, killing thousands. Needless to say, the people of Tenochtitlan were enraged by the Temple Massacre. When Cortes returned to the city on June 24, he found Alvarado and the surviving Spaniards and Tlaxcalans barricaded in the Palace of Axaycatl. Although Cortes and his men were able to join them, the city was up in arms.   The Death of Montezuma By this point, the people of Tenochtitlan had lost their respect for their Emperor, Montezuma, who had repeatedly refused to take up arms against the hated Spanish. On June 26 or 27, the Spanish dragged a reluctant Montezuma to the rooftop to appeal to his people for peace. This tactic had worked before, but now his people were having none of it. The assembled Mexica egged on by new, warlike leaders including Cuitlhuc (who would succeed Montezuma as Tlatoani, or Emperor), only jeered Montezuma before launching stones and arrows at him and the Spanish on the roof. The Europeans brought Montezuma inside, but he had been mortally wounded. He died shortly thereafter, on June 29 or 30. Preparations for Departure With Montezuma dead, the city in arms and able military leaders like Cuitlhuac clamoring for the annihilation of all of the invaders, Cortes and his captains decided to abandon the city. They knew the Mexica did not like to fight at night, so they decided to leave at midnight on the night of June 30-July 1. Cortes decided that they would leave via the Tacuba causeway to the west, and he organized the retreat. He put his best 200 men in the vanguard so that they could clear the way. He also put important noncombatants there: his interpreter Doà ±a Marina (Malinche) was guarded personally by some of Cortes best soldiers. Following the vanguard would be Cortes with the main force. They were followed by the surviving Tlaxcalan warriors with some important prisoners, including three children of Montezuma. After that, the rearguard and cavalry would be commanded by Juan Velazquez de Leà ³n and Pedro de Alvarado, two of Cortes most reliable battlefield captains. The Night of Sorrows The Spanish made it a fair way onto the Tacuba causeway before they were seen by a local woman who raised the alarm. Before long, thousands of enraged Mexica warriors were attacking the Spanish on the causeway and from their war canoes. The Spanish fought valiantly, but the scene soon deteriorated into chaos. The vanguard and Cortes main body of troops reached the western shores fairly intact, but the back half of the escape column was nearly wiped out by the Mexica. The Tlaxcalan warriors suffered great losses, as did the rearguard. Many local leaders who had allied themselves with the Spanish were killed, including Xiuhtototzin, governor of Teotihuacn. Two of Montezumas three children were killed, including his son Chimalpopoca. Juan Velazquez de Leà ³n was killed, reportedly shot full of native arrows. There were several gaps in the Tacuba causeway, and these were difficult for the Spanish to cross. The largest gap was called the Toltec Canal. So many Spaniards, Tlaxcalans, and horses died at the Toltec Canal that their dead bodies formed a bridge over the water over which others could cross. At one point, Pedro de Alvarado allegedly made a tremendous leap over one of the gaps in the causeway: this place became known as Alvarados Leap even though it likely never happened. Some Spanish soldiers close to the rearguard decided to retreat back to the city and re-occupy the fortified Palace of Axaycatl. They may have been joined there by as many as 270 conquistadors there, veterans of the Narvaez expedition, who had apparently never been told of the plans to leave that night. These Spanish held out for a couple of days before being overrun: all were killed in battle or sacrificed shortly thereafter. The Treasure of Montezuma The Spanish had been collecting wealth since long before the Night of Sorrows. They had plundered towns and cities on their way to Tenochtitlan, Montezuma had given them extravagant gifts and once they reached the capital city of the Mexica, they had looted it mercilessly. One estimate of their loot was a staggering eight tons of gold, silver, and jewels at the time of the Night of Sorrows. Before they left, Cortes had ordered the treasure melted down into portable gold bars. After he had secured the Kings fifth and his own fifth onto some horses and Tlaxcalan porters, he told the men to take whatever they wanted to carry with them as they fled the city. Many greedy conquistadors loaded themselves down with heavy gold bars, but some of the smarter ones did not. Veteran Bernal Diaz del Castillo carried only a small handful of gemstones which he knew were easy to barter with natives. The gold was put in the care of Alonso de Escobar, one of the men Cortes trusted most. In the confusion of the Night of Sorrows, many of the men abandoned their gold bars when they became a needless weight. Those who had loaded themselves with too much gold were more likely to perish in battle, drown in the lake, or be captured. Escobar disappeared in the confusion, presumably killed or captured, and thousands of pounds of Aztec gold disappeared with him. All in all, most of the loot the Spanish had captured thus far disappeared that night, down into the depths of Lake Texcoco or back into the hands of the Mexica. When the Spanish recaptured Tenochtitlan several months later, they would try in vain to locate this lost treasure. Legacy of the Night of Sorrows All in all, some 600 Spanish conquistadors and about 4,000 Tlaxcalan warriors were killed or captured on what the Spanish came to call La Noche Triste, or the Night of Sorrows. All of the captive Spaniards were sacrificed to the Aztecs gods. The Spaniards lost a great many important things, such as their cannons, most of their gunpowder, any food they still had and, of course, the treasure. The Mexica rejoiced in their victory but made a huge tactical error in not pursuing the Spanish immediately. Instead, the invaders were allowed to retreat to Tlaxcala and regroup there before beginning another assault on the city, which would fall in a matter of months, this time for good. Tradition has it that after his defeat, Cortes wept and regrouped beneath an enormous Ahuehuete tree in Tacuba Plaza. This tree stood for centuries and became known as el rbol de la noche triste or the tree of the Night of Sorrows. Many modern Mexicans favor a native-centric view of the conquest: that is to say, they see the Mexica as brave defenders of their homeland and the Spanish as unwelcome invaders. One manifestation of this is a movement in 2010 to change the name of the plaza, which is called Plaza of the Tree of the Night of Sorrows to Plaza of the Tree of the Night of Victory. The movement did not succeed, perhaps because there is not much left of the tree nowadays. Sources Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. Trans., ed. J.M. Cohen. 1576. London, Penguin Books, 1963. Print.Levy, Buddy. Conquistador: Hernan Cortes, King Montezuma and the Last Stand of the Aztecs. New York: Bantam, 2008.Thomas, Hugh. Conquest: Montezuma, Cortes and the Fall of Old Mexico. New York: Touchstone, 1993.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Consumerism and Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 10

Consumerism and Identity - Essay Example In this paper I will qualify the statement that the capitalist commercial culture has been blamed for the bad experiences in the society. Argument for the Claim The society has continually faced problems that range from economic to political, and fingers point to the commercial culture of capitalism. Profit motive in the commercial sector plays an important role on food that people eat and to a great extent account for effects of other consumables. Emergence of economic concepts of cost minimization towards optimal profits play a core role as capitalists seeks less costly strategies to productions and marketing strategies for market control. In the food industry, for example, industrialization has transformed eating habits to commercially processed foods that are rich in chemicals and fats and expose consumers to eating disorders such as overweight. Using the media to penetrate into new markets also influences consumers towards the capitalists’ products and increases incidence s of effects of industrial products (Twitchell 1). Economic effects of capitalism also support the claim that the commercial culture is responsible for depression and associated disorders among members of the society. Unlike in socialist culture where the society owns resources and collectivism ensures needs of every member of the society, capitalism concentrates excessive resources on a few individuals while a majority of members of the society remain in poverty and have to struggle for their needs. Human suffering due to lack of basic needs or wants therefore flourish in the society while a non-capitalist system would have resolved such conditions. The condition worsens by capitalists’ selfish interest that seeks to increase the capitalists’ possession at the expense of the working class that mainly lives in poverty. Capitalist commercial culture has also threatened social cultures and cultural figures through undermining cultural values. Competitiveness in the corpo rate sector and the profit orientation of capitalists has for example promoted creativity into cultural shifts in what appears as better practices and utilities. Cultures and their benefits to the society have suffered from the developments as they become inferior and lose value. High level of competition in the market and self-interest has also promoted ills such as corruption and associated consequences in substandard products that risk consumers’ lives and undermine economic growth (Twitchell 1). Established criticisms of the commercial culture also support Twitchell’s position that the culture does not benefit the society. Some oppressive conditions are manageable, especially through collective responsibility as observed in socialist culture, but self-centered interest in the capitalist culture overlooks strategies for resolving the conditions. Widening gap between economic classes is an example and explains why the poor get poorer and the rich continue to amass we alth. Capitalistic culture also undermines efforts for harmonizing living standards in the economy and promotes such acts as discrimination and exploitation to promote suffering and stress.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Work Design Roles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Work Design Roles - Assignment Example Processes used in this regard by the Human Resource Managers include selection, development and the rewarding process which together form the key elements of an HRM cycle. However, one process that is closely related to all these key elements in the process of Job/Work design. Work Design can be defined as the process of specification of the responsibilities, methods as well as relationships of jobs in order to meet the technological and organizational requirements of a business organization as well as the personal requirement of job holders. It is important for Human Resource manager to understand the importance of work design in order to understand the effect that a particular role can have on the employee and on the organization. This report attempts to provide an understanding of how important is work design for employees, by detailing and differentiating between the roles of a Bookstore Manager and an LGV Lorry Driver (Barrett & Mayson, 2008). Human Resource managers use a number of approaches for work design within any organization. One of most commonly used approach is of Socio-Economic Theory. It specifies four basic principles, which according to its authors contribute majorly toward the optimum design of any role. These principles are Responsible autonomy, Adaptability, Whole Tasks and Meaningful Tasks. In the following lines, work design of a bookstore manager and an LGV Lorry driver are differentiated based on these principles (Miner, 2002). The position of bookstore manager is considered a senior position among management-level employees. This is because not only the store manager is responsible for the financial performance of the store, he/she is also responsible for developing and leading a team of employees that work at the store as well. Hence, this position not only requires significant management skills but also require leadership skills.  

Cesar Chavez's Plan Delano Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cesar Chavez's Plan Delano - Essay Example "The Plan of Delano" is the Proclamation issued by La Causa when the National Farm Workers' Association voted to join the Filipino grape pickers' strike in 1965. It spells out the platform of Cesar Chavez' peaceful yet forceful demand for farm workers' welfare and labor reforms to end the injustice that has been oppressing them. He calls it a pilgrimage, a journey that moves towards a hopeful end. This journey is bathed in the blood and sweat of their forefathers in the last one hundred years. He says that they are not afraid to suffer for the sake of attaining their goals of a better life and development. The Plan is a six-point proposition that entails the following: 1. It is going to be a peaceful rally seeking for their basic human rights, quoting Benito Jurez: "El respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz" (Respect for the rights of others is the way to peace); 2. It calls for the "support of political groups and protection of the government," for in the past they have been ignored and less favored; 3. It is also a call for support from the Church of all denominations believing that "God shall not abandon" them; 4. It further calls for endurance amidst the suffering; 5. It also calls for unity, for there is strength in being united; and 6. Finally, it calls for unarmed revolution. This Proclamation has not only been limited to the area where Chavez and his followers belong but it has been a window to the heart and soul of the Mexicans all over the world. For instance, Lorena Oropeza, in "Raza S! Guerra No!: Chicano Protest and Patriotism during the Viet Nam War Era, valorizes the Chicano patriotism and protest as she refers to the "Plan de Delano" as "a ringing plea for dignity and equality for all farmworkers" (72). In addition, the Postmodern Political Communication: The Fringe Challenges the Center edited by Andrew King mentions that the "Plan of Delano" was Top of Form "inspired by [Emiliano] Zapata" (88) and is a "reflection of the ideas of a Chicano prophet, Cesar Chavez" (93). Further, the book states that "His (Chavez) Plan of Delano, like all his rhetoric, focuses on this moral view of the world" (94) as it "presents a powerful call for unity among Mexican-Americans" (96). Looking into the text, one can glean the admirable and ideal characteristics of this action for a cause. Unlike the present strikes and rallies all over the world, particularly in Third World countries, Chavez' group exemplifies one that is peaceful, impartial, spiritual, enduring, united and unarmed as spelled out in the six-point plan. Works Cited The Plan of Delano. (18 April 2008). This site contains the full text of the platform of Chavez's call for a peaceful strike that demands for reforms regarding the social injustices that the farm workers are subjected to. Csar E. Chvez. Social Justice and Civil Rights. California Department of Education. (18 April 2008). This site contains a comprehensive collection of materials and articles pertaining to Cesar Chavez and his

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Review the Capstone case Chaplinsky v New Hampshire on pages 310-311 Essay

Review the Capstone case Chaplinsky v New Hampshire on pages 310-311 of your textbook. Briefly discuss the issue the court had t - Essay Example 135). The court said it did not contribute to any meaningful benefit to a healthy discussion of ideas and that social order and morality are much more important than allowing someone to use profanity to castigate one type of religion by using free speech. The court’s ruling – the judge ruled that profanity has no place in society because it is a different matter altogether as compared to mere obscenity. Profanity already involved God’s name being used in a disparaging or unflattering manner and should therefore be disallowed. Although previous court rulings had nullified anti-blasphemy laws in the United States before this case (such as Cantwell v Connecticut), the judge in this capstone case drew the line as it pertains to certain acts not allowed under guise of the First Amendment protection (ibid.). The rationale – a justification behind this precedent-setting case is that there are limits to First Amendment rights. Profanity is not allowed in the same manner obscenity is outlawed and protection under First Amendment extends only to legitimate political, religious or social discussion of ideas in the spirit of free and open dialogue. It does not allow derogatory words. Moreover, the larger implication of this ruling was it reinforced the separation of the Church and State in that no single religion is favored over other religions (Christianity was favored in earlier times being the majority religion).

The essence of art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The essence of art - Essay Example This is the major point in the insights of Arthur Danto, an art philosophy scholar, as revealed in his conversation with Suzi Gablik. Danto’s written work on the disenfranchisement of art brought about by the customary practice of what is deemed as an ‘enfranchising maneuver’ by placing art pieces in museums and galleries to make them readily acceptable as art. Basically being able to make divine something that is utterly banal. â€Å"What disenfranchisement does is to get art to internalize the idea that it’s not supposed to do anything. It doesn’t make anything happen† (Gablik, p.247). This is a noticeably true characteristic that is perceptible in the art world. The basic premise of what art must do is an abstract idea that many have written extensively about. To name a few widely acceptable notions, art must transform, it must translate beauty, it must evoke what is real in the world, and it should even move people to action would just be naming a few. But all of these, singularly or all taken together are really more ideas within the realm of possibilities and quite a few have actually turned them to reality. This brings us forth to the issue of advocacy in art. As one raised question in the talked about Whitney Biennial in the book, â€Å"When art has a social or political agenda or takes an activist stance, is its aesthetic quality or integrity compromised?† (ibid, p.267). This taking on an activist stance is blaringly obvious in the photographs of Terri Warpinski. The photography professor at the University of Oregon primarily takes scenes depicting nature and juxtaposed evidence of conflict in a number of controversial places. The photographs of Boyhood (two narratives) shows two pictures placed side by side both depicting the irony in the title and of the scene. The most striking on the left hand photo is the poster above the door of what could very well be a mosque or any other public place. In the post er, a boy at a relatively young age is confidently holding a high-powered gun raising it so that the ammunition points up. Another poster is on the lower left side of the picture with faces of men in a collage. Though the writings are unintelligible because they are in Arabic, they suggest an atmosphere of sinister assertiveness. It is also quite intriguing trying to decipher what the pictures mean and why are they posted especially since considering the scale, it can be concluded that they are substantially large. The second picture on the right is the one where the irony is very recognizable. In here we see the body of two older men who seem to be in an exchange, again a high-powered firearm, where the man holding it looks like he is the buyer and is testing its capability. The juxtaposition is in front of the two men where toys for children are displayed for sale in what looks like an ordinary market. The vividness of the pink, red and blue balloons hanging from the top along wit h the plastic balls and other items easily suggests there is something deeply wrong in this picture. What it denotes and consequently gives a chilling effect is that the man holding the gun could very well be buying it for his son and that instead of a balloon, a ball or some other knick knack for a toy, he opted to give him a real gun instead. The suggestive tone of Warpinski’

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Review the Capstone case Chaplinsky v New Hampshire on pages 310-311 Essay

Review the Capstone case Chaplinsky v New Hampshire on pages 310-311 of your textbook. Briefly discuss the issue the court had t - Essay Example 135). The court said it did not contribute to any meaningful benefit to a healthy discussion of ideas and that social order and morality are much more important than allowing someone to use profanity to castigate one type of religion by using free speech. The court’s ruling – the judge ruled that profanity has no place in society because it is a different matter altogether as compared to mere obscenity. Profanity already involved God’s name being used in a disparaging or unflattering manner and should therefore be disallowed. Although previous court rulings had nullified anti-blasphemy laws in the United States before this case (such as Cantwell v Connecticut), the judge in this capstone case drew the line as it pertains to certain acts not allowed under guise of the First Amendment protection (ibid.). The rationale – a justification behind this precedent-setting case is that there are limits to First Amendment rights. Profanity is not allowed in the same manner obscenity is outlawed and protection under First Amendment extends only to legitimate political, religious or social discussion of ideas in the spirit of free and open dialogue. It does not allow derogatory words. Moreover, the larger implication of this ruling was it reinforced the separation of the Church and State in that no single religion is favored over other religions (Christianity was favored in earlier times being the majority religion).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Review essay on Henry Jenkins concepts Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Review on Henry Jenkins concepts - Essay Example In the contemporary world, every aspect of human life is influenced by the rapid changes in communications, storytelling and information technologies which affect the ways in which people interact with each other. As Jenkins maintains, media convergence cannot be comprehended as mere technological shift, because it alters the relationship between existing technologies, industries, markets, genres and audiences. Jenkins makes a significant contribution to the understanding of the contradictory nature of media change through the theory of media convergence which indicates sites of tension and transition in the media environment. â€Å"The American media environment is now being shaped by two seemingly contradictory trends: on the one hand, new media technologies have lowered production and distribution costs, expanded the range of available delivery channels and enabled consumers to archive, annotate, appropriate and re-circulate media content in powerful new ways; on the other hand, there has been an alarming concentration of the ownership of mainstream commercial media, with a small handful of multinational media conglomerates dominating all sectors of the entertainment industry.† (Jenkins 2004, P 33). Therefore, it is essential to comprehend that Henry Jenkins has made incredible contribution to the understanding of new media and this paper makes a reflective exploration of Jenkins as a key theorist of new media and media convergence from the perspective of its users and participatory culture. Henry Jenkins has been recognized as one of America’s most respected media analysts and he has made essential contribution to the understanding of new media and media convergence. Significantly, Jenkins makes an important attempt to expose the various cultural transformations taking place as media converge in his work Convergence

Monday, October 14, 2019

Marketing and Its Components Essay Example for Free

Marketing and Its Components Essay Environmental analysis of UK: In order to achieve success in implementing some marketing plan, PEST analysis plays a major role because it allows the organizations to do a complete analysis of political, economic, social and technological aspects of the organization and the evidence can be taken from the example of Tesco UK. The success factor of Tesco can be analyzed from the marketing strategy it has assumed in order to deal with the potential customers of United Kingdoms. However, this company has taken all the basic concepts of marketing under consideration while making its strategic plan. Here is the PEST analysis of Tesco UK. Political: The organizations which have political backup and keeps the political aspects under consideration while marketing its service get promulgation within no time. For instance, Tesco is an international supermarket; its policies are always compatible to the regions in which it provides its services. In UK, it has also kept this thing under consideration and that’s why, got exceptional response from the customers. In this regard, following steps have been taken: †¢It has fulfilled legislative requirements of United Kingdoms †¢There is no violation of Labor law, environmental law, trade law, health and tariff restrictions †¢Policies have been developed keeping the political scenarios under consideration †¢Tesco has also developed its own ethical and sustainability policy keeping the national ethical policy of UK in view Economic: Since UK market is one of the most sensitive markets of the world, economic sustainability is another factor that needs thorough analysis in order to deal with any marketing situation. Most of the consumer within UK requires a product that suits not only their lifestyle but also their budget. Though brand loyalty and trust is also a positive factor that can be regarded as a strong reason for the success of this organization, still some consumers find it difficult to buy costly products. Tesco UK has also kept this thing in view and provided different solutions in the form of competitive prices and sales. However, the economic analysis of Tesco indicates †¢Potential investment of company authorities within UK †¢Payment of taxes on each product †¢Adoption of sensitive price strategy †¢Paying interest rate †¢Extensive participation in regional economic growth Social: The analysis of social factors of Tesco UK is as followed: †¢Targeting young people for product marketing †¢Increasing demand of the international products due to increasing migrants †¢Multi-cultural customers †¢Bargaining power of customers †¢Safety issues like inability of customers to understand product precautions Technological: As far as technological factors are concerned, Tesco has also kept this aspect under consideration while marketing its services in United Kingdoms. †¢Automatic payment system †¢Auto-checking while entering and exiting from supermarket †¢Use of electronic system for cash and balance †¢Implementation of safety cameras in supermarkets †¢Wireless devices †¢RFID Control of Tesco over environmental factors: As far as the environmental factors that are beyond the control of Tesco UK are concerned, it is the competitive forces, suppliers, customers, inflation ratio and technological advancement which have affected sustainability of Tesco in one way or other. Competitors: Potential competitors of Tesco UK are as followed: †¢Wal-Mart †¢Costcutter †¢Carrefour As far as online competitors are concerned, they involve †¢Ebay UK †¢Amazon UK Customer: Another aspect that is beyond the control of Tesco UK is bargaining power of customers. The demands of customers vary with the passage of time and Tesco UK has to assume change management strategy keeping the changing demands of the customers. In this regard, the factors that can affect Tesco directly involve †¢Bargaining power of customers †¢Recession †¢Limited budget of customers †¢Changing requirements according to the trend Inflation ratio: Inflation ratio is another aspect which is beyond the control of Tesco UK since there are several factors which contribute in such cases and if this supermarket gives potential discounts on each product that threats the sustainability of their relation with suppliers. However, this thing is controlled to a small extent through providing different packages and sales in low seasons, Technological advancement: Since with the advancement in technology, consumers are also attracting towards online shopping, online platforms have taken the position of strong competitors. A consumer seeks ease through purchasing products from online portal that can deliver the objects at home. Though Tesco also has its own web portal yet the technological advancement makes it complex for this organization to adopt appropriate strategy in each country. However, through adopting timely change management strategy, this organization can deal with such situation. Section 2: Creating and sustaining competitive advantages: Tesco is the third largest grocery store of the worlds and there are ample potential competitors which can be regarded as the core competent of this organization. However, still this organization has been gaining competitive advantages through sustaining and assuming competitive advantage strategy. As far as the core competitors of Tesco in this industry are concerned, Wal-Mart and Carrefour are two leading organizations that compete with Tesco on global level. The reason why it had remained on third position is that it had initiated its service after a long time. However, it is the competitive advantages which it has sustained in regional as well as global competitive market that it has been positioned on third rank among all supermarkets of the world. As far as the strategies in order to gain competitive advantage are concerned, there are several creative and sustainable competitive strategies which can be developed in order to gain competitive advantage in this industry. In this regard, Porter’s generic strategies can be utilized because all the successful organizations like Wal-Mart and Carrefour have gained such position only through assuming exceptional competitive strategy. The first strategy that can be promulgated in this regard is cost leadership strategy which would enable Tesco to offer its services and products to not only national but international consumers and markets in lowest cost. For this purpose, they would also have to control the overall cost of the operations so that they can easily maintain investment and this price control strategy never affects this organization in one way or other. Through assuming this strategy, Tesco would be able to generate not only potential profit but also competitive advantage as well. If Tesco would use differentiation strategy as indicated by Porter, it would enable this organization to offer its products and services to its customers promulgating unique features and value added services that would attract potential customers a lot. This would also give competitive advantage in the form of brand loyalty of customers and double profit. Differentiation can be generated through assuming novel technological feature, providing value added service, exceptional customer service etc. Another option to create and sustain competitive advantage in local as well as international markets is market penetration. For instance, for Tesco, it might be difficult to assume differentiation or cost leadership strategy since it requires price maintenance. It can also make its marketing sources exceptional. For this purpose, as indicated in Ansoff Matrix, market penetration strategy would prove ample lucrative. It means this organization can gain competitive advantages through penetrating in existing market, find potential sources for promulgating its products and services and then focusing on internal efficiencies in order to come up with the requirements of the consumers. Nevertheless, Tesco can gain competitive advantage through assuming cost leadership and differentiation strategy in global market since it would enable this organization to compete with global giants. However, market penetrations strategy would work if this organization wants to create and sustain exceptional position in local markets like that of United Kingdoms and China. However, it cannot be stated that Tesco used to utilize such strategies without doing market analysis. In this regard, Tesco does market analysis through assessing its market position and contemporary ratio of market growth which enables it to analyze which strategy would enable it to compete on global as well as local level and in this regard, the significance of BCG matrix cannot be neglected. Some organizations used to employ all these strategies collaboratively and consider that there will be competitive advantage that is a wrong notion. That’s why most of them stuck in the middle and ultimately find it difficult to sort out the best option. This is not the case with Tesco since it’s a global organization and its management has exceptional expertise in dealing with such kind of situation assuming the best strategy that can generate passive competitive advantages. Hence, these are some of the potential options which an organization can utilize for competing with the strongest competitor in its relevant industry but before assuming any particular strategy, the organization needs to have its portfolio analysis as well. the examples of Tesco, Wal-Mart and Carrefour can be taken as evidence in this regard since Tesco has assumed strategic option through analyzing its contemporary position in global market and hence, gained successful position as well, Section 3: Product life cycle: A product life cycle possesses different stages like introduction, growth, maturity and decline. However, the marketing strategies vary according to the changing stage of product life cycle and the organizations that use appropriate strategic options according to the requirements of the contemporary scenario, get success in product marketing. On first stage, organizations used to apply marketing Mix elements in which, it suggests specifications of products, appropriate price, promotion strategies and place where it can gain successful position. Different examples can be seen in the form of Toyota motors, McDonald fast food industry and Tesco service providers in this regard. For example, Toyota wants to launch one of its product, the initial strategy that it would adopt will be determining price specifying promotion strategy and place, promulgating product specifications. Product: design, specification, how it works, extra benefits of using it etc Price: initially the cost would be low since this new product would take time to make its position in the markets. Promotion: this section would indicate promotional strategies like launching product providing value added services Place: this section indicates the best market for promulgating new vehicle like United Kingdoms, Canada etc. The second stage is referred to as Growth stage. At this point, the strategic plan differentiated through assuming growth strategy like market development etc. For instance, when Tesco opened new store in China, it achieved growth status through developing market and for that purpose, it affiliated itself with one of the regional supermarkets that enabled this supermarket to have potential growth in new market. The third stage is referred to maturity stage. On this stage, the product or service got its mature status and for its sustainability, different strategies are adopted in order to maintain its position through assuming change management strategy if required. Market penetration strategy is considered the best option in such cases since through constant penetration in market, the contemporary position of the product and service is analyzed. For instance, in UK markets, environment changes are uncertain and this thing affects the requirements of consumers. So, Tesco UK constantly do market penetration in order to sustain its position and cope with competitors. Last stage is referred to the decline stage and it is considered the death of the product. However, some companies assume differentiation and diffusion of innovation strategy in order to sustain its product and regain its mature stage. The example can be taken from McDonalds India. Its product for non-vegetarian though gained ample success in the beginning but soon, customers fed up with it. McDonalds India assumed differentiation strategy and attracted customers through introducing vegetarian burgers and deals. Diffusion of innovation strategy: Diffusion of innovation is one of the effective strategies that can regenerate lost position of a product. Through promulgating product marketing its innovative features, organization can easily cope with decline stage of PLC. There are several examples which can be quoted for proving the authenticity of this strategy With the propagation of KFC and PizzaHut, customers transformed their concentration from McDonalds and this thing affected its profitability ratio badly. The management of McDonalds contemplated to regain its position and ultimately found diffusion of innovation as the best source to deal with this issue. Finally, they introduced McFlurry which attracted most of their customers back. Hence, this thing not only made it possible for the organization to get its customers back but the profitability ratio also increased simultaneously. Hence, marketing strategy plays a major role in developing and sustaining products or services in local as well as global markets but along with using innovative strategy, the organization should also have potential to assume change management strategy according to the contemporary requirements.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Whats Eating Gilbert Grape Film Review Film Studies Essay

Whats Eating Gilbert Grape Film Review Film Studies Essay Societys ideological constructs and attitudes towards minority groups are created and reinforced through media imagery. Although negative associations that maintain inequities with regard to race, gender and homophobia (Conner Bejoian, 2006) have been somewhat relieved, disability is still immersed in harmful connotations that restrict and inhibit the life of people with disabilities in our society. Disability has appeared frequently in recent films (Byrd Elliot, 1988), a reflection of societys interest in the subject. These films often misrepresent disability using stereotypes. These stereotypes reinforce negative and incorrect social perceptions of, and attitudes towards, disabled people (Safran, 2000). By studying these films we can begin to reshape the wrong and negative accepted ideas of disability in society. Film analysis can show students how the medium manipulates images which continue stereotypes and cause stigma (Livingstone, 2004). Film can be used to confront students with their prejudices (Chellew, 2000, p.26), challenging them to accept new ways of thinking realising that disability is a result of the social attitudes and expectations placed on certain people by society (Ellis, 2003; Meekosha, 2003). Whats Eating Gilbert Grape is a film by director Lasse Hallstrà ¶m about a young man looking after his developmentally disabled brother and his dysfunctional family in a small American town. This paper will critically examine this movie using Richard Dyers four senses of representation, as cited in Harnett (2000), as a framework. With a focus on the disabled character Arnie, the analysis will identify and discuss the ways the film reinforces limiting stereotypes about disability. Finally, the implications of the analysis for use in an educational setting to raise awareness of the representations identified will be discussed. Re-presentation, as the first sense of representation, refers to how television or other visual media re-present our society back to us (Dyer cited in Harnett, 2000). Through the use of artistic expression and technical elements neither true reality nor an entirely false account is portrayed. Dyer states that reality is always more extensive and complicated than any system of representation can comprehend (Titchkosky, 2003, p. 134). In societys media, the world is generally simplified or typically presented in a way that is most beneficial for the medium. The presence of disability in a film is often used for storytelling (Raynor and Hayward, 2009). In Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, Arnies disability is constructed as an emphasis of the film. The film relies greatly on the dramatic power of the disability alone (p. 23) to move the narrative forward. The selection and focus of particular aspects of Arnies life and his disability are used to explain his actions and evoke reactions from the audience. For example, when his fear of jumping in the water is overcome, it creates a feel-good factor. Also, the focus on his inability to cope, generates a sense of pity from the audience such as in one particular scene when Gilbert leaves Arnie to get out of the bath by himself, only to discover him still in the bath, cold and shivering, in the morning. Dyers second sense of representation refers to the application of common stereotypes that have been recognised for characters with disabilities in film. These stereotypes create one dimensional characters with limited emotions, where the disability comes first and the person second, justifying differential treatment and segregation (Black, 2004). Some of the negative representations identified by Safran (2000) as stereotypical for disabled characters will now be applied to the character of Arnie. As mentioned above, the portrayal of Arnies character demands a feeling of pity from the audience. This stereotype communicates disability as a problem of social, physical and emotional confinement (Hayes Black, 2003, p.114). In Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, Arnie has no friends and is restricted to the confines of the porch of his family home. Whenever he tries to escape (usually to the water tower), he is ultimately returned back to this position of subordination under the care of others, which is typical of this stereotype (Hayes Black, 2003). A most common stereotype depicted of disabled characters is that of a super-man (Safran, 2000) or supercrip (Harnett, 2000), where a disabled character overcomes massive odds to beat or succeed in defeating their disability to become normal. The character is often seen as a hero to have made such progress. Although Arnie does not reflect a hero status, his character is beating his disability by the very fact that he is still alive. In the opening scenes of the movie, Gilberts narration lets the audience know that doctors said wed be lucky if Arnie lived to be ten, well ten came and went (Matalon, Ohlsson, Teper Hallstrà ¶m, 1993), implying Arnies triumph over tragedy. He defies death that would be otherwise be brought about by his disability. Although not a thematic stereotype reinforced throughout this whole film, it is typical of a disabled character to be represented as a victim or object of violence (Safran, 2000). At the climax of the film, Gilberts overwhelming frustration and anger of his life situation overflows into a violent episode directed at Arnie. On occasions throughout the film, Arnie is portrayed as an innocent a victim or object of violence from his younger sister and, in this rare case mentioned above, from his brother Gilbert. Another stereotype of disability presented, albeit only slightly, however still present, is that of being laughable (Safran, 2000) or the disability creating an atmosphere of curiosity that is aroused by differentness. This stereotype is usually more prevalent in comics, horror movies or science fiction films and related to physical impairments, which often portray disabled characters as freaks and exotic creatures (Smith, 1999). However, in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, its Arnies unusual actions within the community that attracts attention. When he is perched high up on the water tower ladder, it becomes a fascination to many onlookers, who crowd below the tower to observe the spectacle with curiosity, as Smith (1999) puts it, his abnormal behaviour is exploited as it would a carnival sideshow (p. 42). The most prevalent stereotype of a disabled character represented in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape is the stereotype of a burden. This representation is the major narrative driving force. In the opening scenes, referring to Arnie, Gilbert quotes some days you want him live, some days you dont (Matalon, Ohlsson, Teper Hallstrà ¶m, 1993), reflecting the huge burden that is placed on the Grape family, particularly Gilbert, to care for his disabled brother. The burden of Arnie is also extended to the community, where the local police have to continuously retrieve Arnie from the ladder of the towns water tower. Dyers third sense of representation of refers to the representation of who is speaking for whom (Harnett, 2000). Whats Eating Gilbert Grape is written by an able-bodied writer, directed by an able-bodied director and has a disabled character acted by, Leonardo Di Caprio, an able-bodied actor. On a study into disabled actors, Raynor and Hayward (2007) discuss how disabled actors work is restricted to disabled character roles and suggest their struggle to find work is partly due to able-bodies actors being cast in those roles. Marks (1999) suggests the reason for not employing disabled people is that it is reassuring for the viewer to know that its only pretend' (p. 160). In Whats Eating Gilbert Grape the audience knows Leonardo Di Caprio is not really disabled, he presents as non-threatening and comforting, perhaps allowing the audience to relieve fears or ignore the reality of disability. Dyers fourth sense of representation questions how the represented image is interpreted by the audience (Harnett, 2000). It refers to how the intended meaning by those who produce the film can be lost or skewed when observed from a different point of view. When Peter Hedges, the writer of Whats Eating Gilbert Grape comments on his wishes for the film he states I would hope that people might view their fellow beings with more empathy, more compassion and a desire to understand (Malony, 2002, p.10). Although an encouraging and optimistic aspiration, the perspective of the film from people with disabilities would certainly be different. The discussion above demonstrates that the representations of disability in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape generates themes of incapability and total dependence on others to survive- Arnie cannot live without Gilbert, and Gilbert is stuck caring for Arnie indefinitely. By analysing the representations of disability presented in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape we can clearly see the negative associations put forward. Livingstone (2004) suggests that as educators we can use such inaccuracies and stereotypical images as assets rather than liabilities (p.119). By studying the ways disabilities are represented in films students can develop awareness of specific disability imagery (Safran, 2000, p.46) and learn about what the causes the stigma and lack of inclusion that haunt the disabled community. Safran (2000) insists when using films in education, it must be done with focused, reflective viewing (p.46) which promotes critical engagement, helping students question the cultural ideals created by the prevailing constructions offered in film (Arndt, 2010). An appropriate educational setting for the use of analysing Whats Eating Gilbert Grape would be in high school. Feldman states (cited in Arndt, 2010) that high school students are able to think beyond the concrete, current situation to what might or could be. Specifically, an effective starting point of a critical analysis with students would involve the deconstruction (Safran, 1998) of Arnies character, identifying the stereotypes portrayed and exploring correct representations of developmental disability. The reaction of the community to Arnie and his disability would also be beneficial to examine. Students would explore how the community views Arnie and what attitudes would be more appropriate to promote acceptance and inclusion. Using films to teach are effective because they are a highly motivational (Brown, 2005; Chellew, 2000) due to their entertainment factor. Whats Eating Gilbert Grape is a popular film with popular actors, and would interest high school aged students. Despite its portrayal of recognised negative stereotypes of disability Safran (1998) admits, it can still be useful in the classroom. The acknowledgment of such stereotypes and prejudices against people with disabilities will help students unlearn (Connor Bejoian, 2006, p. 59) the perceptions and attitudes which justify the differential treatment of a minority group. Through looking at our media, particularly film, it is essential for us to reshape pre-existing views (Chellew, 2000, p. 28) by breaking down the robust ideological attitudes of disability that continue to restrict, inhibit and exclude.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Developing a Therapeutic Counseling Relationship Essay -- Counseling

Introduction Understanding the counseling session from the client’s perspective is a very important aspect in the development of a therapeutic relationship. A clinician must be an excellent listener, while being to pay attention to the client’s body language, affect and tone. The dynamics in the counseling session that is beneficial to the client include the recognition of the pain that the client is feeling. The detrimental part of this includes a misunderstanding of the real issues, a lack of consideration of the cultural aspects of the client, and a lack of clinical experience or listening skills. In this presentation, we will discuss the positive and negative aspects of the counseling session from the client’s perspective which includes the client’s attitudes, feelings, and emotions of the counseling session. We will next examine the propensity of the client to reveal or not reveal information to the counselor, and how transference, and counter-transference can h ave an effect on the counselor-client relationship. Positive Aspects For clients who express their experiences for the first time in counseling, it can be a powerful force to help them heal. It is important for the counselor to pay close attention to the person’s body language, affect and tone. The counselor must consider the possible scenarios that may occur in the first session. Cultural aspects of the client must be considered. From the client’s perspective, the first session is an important session, even if the first session is mostly an information gathering session. The client may have experiences much trauma in their life, never being able to trust a person with their closest feelings. This is why it is very important to establish rapport and trust in... ...confidential information is shared without their permission, this situation can be detrimental to the client. The client may stop treatment or be passive-aggressive towards the therapist by being late of cancelling appointments with the clinician. References State University (2011). Retrieved from Lecture Notes Online Web site: Sherwood, T. (2001, September). Client experience in psychotherapy: What heals and what harms? Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, 1(2), 1-16. Retrieved August 27, 2009, from download&cid=111 Transference and Countertransference, (2011). Kathi’s Mental Health Review. Retrieved May 7, 2011 from

Friday, October 11, 2019

Space – Should the costing be spent?

I have chosen to write a report entitled, â€Å"Space – Can the expense be justified?†. I chose this as I had a keen interest in the matter; once we had discussed this as a class. Another reason in which why I have selected this topic is because as the world of media is advancing, this subject has been under debate for many years now, but with no final conclusion. Humans are said to have landed on the moon in 1969, however again through media many accusations have been made against this. This proves media manipulates decisions made; therefore the public should be more aware of the situation. Sources of information For this assignment, my main source of information will be the BBC news archive, due to the fact this is a government based company. Therefore the information will be very much factual and reliable, rather than opinion based data from other sources of media. Further on, I will use the British National Space Centre (BNSC) as this is Britain's main space exploration organisation. Following on, I will be using â€Å"Encarta Encyclopedia† which is a screen-based archive of various facts and figures including extended explanations of various topics. This proves I will be using a vast range of sources which I have selected, however most are screen-based as these are constantly being updated throughout key advancements. Space The universe contains everything – all of space and time and all the matter and energy within it. The universe is unknowably vast, and ever since it formed, it has been expanding, carrying some of its most distant regions forever beyond the naked eye. The universe contains everything from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy cluster and yet it seems they all have the same laws. [1] For many years, space was out of reach for humans on our planet. People thought day and night on how to make space exploration a reality. Everyone at some time in their life asks questions similar to: â€Å"Where does space begin? Where does it end? What is the difference between space and the universe?† Space is built of so little matter that we cannot consider it as empty. However on Earth, there is matter everywhere, in the form of liquid/solid/ and gas. In space there is no night or day, this is due to the fact our atmosphere scatters the sun's rays, ultimately giving the blue colour in our sky. [2] A crucial property of the universe is that it is expanding. [3] It must be growing, because distant galaxies are quickly withdrawing from Earth. Assuming that the universe has always been growing, it once must have had to be smaller and denser; this is the face which strongly supports the Big Bang theory. [4] Benefits of space exploration Space exploration has many benefits for us, which could eventually save mankind from extinction if the time came. The following examples are a handful of positive effects if we did invest more into space exploration. Population increase/Colonization Since history has been written, our population has grown rapidly with 6.5 billion people today. It is said that the world's population has quadrupled in the last one hundred years. If the population carries on dramatically increasing we will have many problems including housing issues, for the number of people. By the year 2050, from predictions, it shows that there will be eventually ten billion people living on Earth, this is a growth around 75 million people per year. [5] The graph on the left shows the predicted population grown for the next 50 years, as well as the â€Å"population boom† which has occurred earlier. The key shows different areas of the world and the population increase there. Asia seems to be increasing the most; this clearly is a developing region of the world. On the other hand a developed region such as Northern America seems to have a steady increase. For this issue to be rectified, space exploration can be extremely helpful. If we can locate a suitable area beyond the Earth then we can â€Å"Colonize†. We have determined that many materials can be available in space, however human space flight advancements and engineering is vital for this to occur. The moon seems to be a viable location for us to â€Å"Colonize†, due to the fact, it is extremely close to us compared to other planets therefore easy to transport goods and supplies. The only issue is that there seems to be low amounts of Hydrogen and Carbon. The low gravity is also a major concern. Lack of resources As above, if the population carries on increasing as predicted, Earth's resources will eventually start to run out. This will have a dramatic effect on the habitants on Earth, as many necessities we take for granted will be depleted. These items include: * Clean water * Natural resources such as Fossil fuels Experts say that seas will become emptied of fish while forests – which absorb Carbon Dioxide emissions – are completely destroyed and fresh water supplies become scarce and polluted. For example since 1970 forests have been reduced by twelve percent. This proves that if space exploration improves and is funded, we can get numerous materials from out of space. For example, on the Moon there seems to be a great deal of silicon and metals such as iron, aluminium and titanium. [6] Counter-benefits of space exploration On the other hand of this debate, there are many disadvantages against investing in space exploration. This topic has been under debate for many years now, many people feel that the money is better spent elsewhere, ultimately spent on this planet prior to exploring others. NHS and Healthcare The amount of money spent on space exploration may have better uses, as the NHS are currently in debt, this should be rectified. Spending for example à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½150m on a certain probe could instead cut the NHS's debt by a fifth. Also, there are many people who are fighting disease, however some which aren't currently curable, as the research hasn't been paid for; there is always scientist's salaries to fund. Helping cure disease ultimately seems imperative. Space exploration can't bring people's health therefore as healthcare is vital, exploration should be halted until many basic lives saving problems are treated for. The diagram on the right shows how much per year the NHS is spending, this is also projected for up till 2008.[7] They seem to be spending currently around 90 million per year. This proves to me that developing a space instrument which tends to cost 100 million plus is not needed, as this can be fund the NHS for the year (the entire nation's treatment). Human space flight Unlike robotic space exploration, human space flight costs much more however with little benefit and outcome. Additionally, sending a robotic device to space can increase the scientific knowledge attained. Robots are clearly more efficient than humans, the speed and technology is much faster. The majority of astronauts sent to space also unfortunately pass away due to the tasks being extremely difficult regardless of how much training they have completed. Conclusion After completing this report, I have clearly shown the benefits and counter-benefits of space exploration, and wherever it should be funded. I believe my main benefit is how we can search for resources elsewhere, therefore not having to worry greatly on the amount we are using, (within reason). We evidently have two sides of the debate, which can become extremely ethical; â€Å"For, or against, science†. However this would be political of me to discuss. I have used evidence from both sides of the argument, the scientific aspect as well as the ethical reasons, which have been shown mainly within the health care section. It is also debateable that why isn't the UK investing in human space flight, even though the UK holds the world's fourth largest economy however they have no presence in manned space flight, or any interest in such activities. On the other hand they have invested largely into unmanned space flight, which have been a helping hand to improve the quality of life. From this report, evidence shows that the positives unmistakably outweigh the negatives for the title â€Å"Space – Can the expense be justified?†. Personally I am supporting space exploration due to the fact I am intrigued into the question many people ask, â€Å"What is out there?† I also believe with the advancements of the modern world, during my life time I will be able to maybe benefit from space exploration in one way or another.